The missiontrip is getting closer!

The missiontrip is getting closer!

When life is though and it seems like there is no way out, God always has a way to pull us through. When we have the sense that we’re stuck and that problems are closing in more and more – He can still open up the way for us. He made a way for the Israelites: He opened the sea so that they could walk right through it. When the Egyptians followed them, pharaoh and army included, God swept them away at the right moment. On that day God’s people got saved, they could be free. God wants to open up the sea for us; He wants to drown our fears, for us to be filled with His love and joy. God made a way through the sea for the Israelites in Exodus 14, they could enter freedom. Today, God made a way through His Son Jesus Christ, towards Himself (John 3:16). We can be free of fear, loneliness and uncertainties, because in Jesus we have love, peace, joy, freedom and so much more. We can step into relationship with the Father again; He cares about us and loves us. We can be His children. Isn’t that awesome? We have God Himself as a father, the one for whom nothing is impossible. It’s just in-cre-di-ble!

The missiontrip is getting closer and closer. On Saturday the 23rd of May I fly to the Philippines; Rein leaves a week later to Italy. The preparations started a while ago, but are getting more and more intense. We made a sponsor video, have Mr. B evenings, make cards and paintings and sell them, we go and preach in churches… This morning we had the opportunity to go to Middelfart. I shared God’s word and we prayed for people. We talked about our trip to the Philippines, based on that, they collected money for us. We appreciate and are thankful for everything we receive. The more we get, the more we can bless and serve the people. The money is not for us, but for the people out there, they are the ones that need support (for houses, food, toothbrushes and toothpaste…). If you have it on your heart to bless the people out there, you can always contact me or Rein. Of course you can also bless Rein, who is going to Rome and surroundings. They’re joining together with a church to serve the people in and around the city.

Great things are ahead of us; on the other hand, it implies an intense period. Preparing teachings, preaching, music, drama, dances… It takes a lot of time and effort, but it’s worth it. We want to show the people that Jesus is love, that He saw them and wants to help them in their situation. We want to give hope, so that people realize that they’re not alone. There is someone that wants to take care of them, also when we’re gone. Luckily there are people locally that help them for a longer period of time, but people are limited. Jesus isn’t. He always finds a way to touch the people, no matter how wide the sea. When going around is no option, He goes through it. His heart is touched by you and me, that’s what we want to share: that He does care about people.


  1. Lieve Rein en Caressa,
    Bezige bijtjes zoals jullie zijn, steeds maar klaar staan, uitdelen, zegenen, en dat alles met vreugde. Ik bid dat de Heer het 100 voudig teruggeeft in kracht en energie en ladingen van liefde en bewogenheid voor de mensen waar jullie mogen dienen.
    Heerlijk om te zien hoe jullie actief zijn.
    Vergeet niet om ook er voor ELKAAR te zijn en die tijd te nemen!
    Kostbaar koppel, Hij draagt en vult jullie met Zijn goedheid, trouw en genade!
    Dikke kus.

  2. Dag Rein en Caressa,

    We volgen jullie nieuwsbrieven op de voet.
    Wat een mooi afwisselend leven kennen jullie..
    Top de kansen die jullie krijgen…
    Hier in Londerzeel gaat staat er ook altijd van alles te gebeuren..
    In ROUTE 2.2 missen Henk en ik jullie wel heel erg, als trekkers…
    Heel veel zegen,

    Henk en Carin

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