Posts Tagged "gratitude"

Listening Conference. 0

Listening Conference.

Posted by on March 15, 2015, 6:00 PM in Bible College

“Listening Conference!”, the main thing on this week’s agenda. The mornings were filled with classes about prophecies in the Bible, concerning the end of times. After lunch we had workshops on how to work with prophesying. Listening to what God wants to tell us and others. Both for Rein and me, Tuesday stood out. We had to ask God to tell us what He wanted to tell a specific person, only we didn’t get a name. Everybody started writing down their impressions. When we were done, they told us the word from God was for ourselves. This was interesting… Often when we don’t see what we’re capable of when we look at ourselves. We all dream, but it’s difficult to believe that something will actually happen. Especially when we look at reality through our own eyes. Now, throughout this prophesy we see that God does have a plan for our lives. He knows what are dreams and hopes are, and He wants to bless us in it. To be honest, this week wasn’t quite what I expected it to be. We know that Jesus is coming back soon (relatively soon… 🙂 ) and that we have to prepare. We have to live according to His will and ways, blessing people...

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